Help and Support

I hope this plugin is useful and helps you out in any way. If you encounter any bugs, or need help with something in the plugin, please open an issue on GitHub!

If you liked the project and want to contribute to it, feel free to send me a message or send in a pull request! Also this project is under MIT License, so use it however you want, in any commercial projects, and if possible, link back to this page or to it’s GitHub project page.

If you liked the project and want to support it, consider tweeting about it or recommending it to friends who might find this plugin useful!

Also, just a message saying thanks or showing off the cool docs you exported with this plugin does a great deal to make me know this is useful to someone else, which do makes me happy!

But if you want to support it with small donations, you can buy my game on steam, send me a tip on ko-fi or take a look at my patreon!